I wrote yet another article on Countering Violent Extremism called “the Muslim Lords of CVE“- please do check it out.
As many of you who have been reading stuff I write (thank you!) know, I have been interested in corruption among Muslim leaders for some time, particularly when there is government money available for leaders to influence what Islam is and what it is not. This has made some people angry, but not too many. We have a First Amendment in the US Constitution that provides for religious freedom, and it is worth defending. This is the same freedom that allows us to do Islamic Estate Planning. We don’t have an official Islam in the USA. The government’s excessive entanglement with religion on “national security” grounds and the creation of an industry of Muslim Security contractors who pose as leaders and activists inside the Muslim community is a dangerous development.
Please read it. If you like it, share it. In any event, please feel free to comment and let me know what you think.